UC Riverside has Revised the History of the Korean National Association and the Korean Provisional Government with so called "newly" discovered information. UC Riverside claims it is the foremost expert on Dosan and Independence Movement.
Why is Edward Chang disrespecting Korean scholars? Chang claims he knows more than Dr. Young Kyung Ro, Dr. Lee Myung Hwa and the Independence Hall Research Institute.
On Hot Off the Press in 2021 from 49 minutes to 51 minutes of the video interview Chang said: "I am re-writing the history of Korea. Historians don't like that. I am not even a historian. I am not even trained in ethnic history. I found all of the relevant documents. In 1911 convention in Riverside the 21 documents passed were almost identical to what they announced in the 1917 Declaration and what they adopted in the Shanghai Korean Provisional Government." The Declaration was in 1919 not 1917 which signifies Chang's ignorance.
Chang is absolutely disingenuous and disrespectful. He repeatedly violates Dosan's Four Principles.

Korean National Association and Korean Provisional Government

First meeting of the merged Korean Organizations forming the Korean National Association
In 1908 at a meeting in San Francisco Korean organizations in Hawaii and in California merged to form the Korean National Association. The Korean National Association was officially established on February 1, 1909 at its FIRST convention in Redlands, California. The Second Convention was in 1910 in Claremont. The Third Convention was in Riverside. The Fourth Convention, the largest and most important was in San Francisco in 1912.

First meeting of Korean Provisional Government Leaders in Shanghai 1919
The Korean Provisional Government in Shanghai was formed after the March First Movement in 1919. The leaders had many different political ideas and theories about forming and running an independent modern government. The first Shanghai Cabinet was the end result of negotiations between three different groups of politically minded Koreans and three different lists of cabinet members.