Philip "Flip" Ahn Cuddy
Making sense in a fake news world | Dan Bellack | TEDxCharleston
confirmational bias - credibility of the source
Ed Chang the Flag Bearer of the Pachappa Camp hoax makes a lot of inconsistent claims and remarks. He forgets what he told who. He changes his freewheeling claims. He often claims he discovered this or that. Chang has hardly discovered anything on his own. He uses a lot of my stuff without permission. While doing so he plays people with his verbal acrobatics and propaganda. Dating facts and events accurately are less important for Ethnic Studies than dating events and facts accurately are for History.
This is a quoted from a 2021 WBUR Radio Show interview with Chang. Chang is talking about 2005: “At the time, I did not know anything about Pachappa Camp or even Korean community in Riverside,” he says. “Early Korean immigrants settled in Hawaii, San Francisco and Los Angeles and elsewhere, but I've never heard anyone mention anything about Riverside, California.”
Seven years earlier - At 10:30 AM on May 1, 1998 Edward Taehang Chang called me on the phone from Riverside, California. Chang begged me to bring Susan Ahn Cuddy from 65 miles away in Northridge for a 1:00pm Sister City ceremony at Riverside City Hall with the Mayor of Gangnam, South Korea. The Mayor knew Susan Ahn Cuddy. Chang told me John Lee from Korea Times brought to the previous night's welcome dinner a copy of a letter to Pachappa for Dosan. Chang said that was all the Gangnam Mayor could talk about. Gangnam is where Dosan Park is located in South Korea. The Mayor is responsible for Dosan Park. Chang has a hard time keeping his story straight unless he has to do so. Pachappa Camp is full of contradicting statements like this one above.
Chang's Disparaging False Remarks published by Rowman and Littlefield Pachappa Camp pages 112 and 113.
Why would anyone be so foolish to print this in a history book? Writing it is one mistake. Publishing it for what?
You'll learn a variety of things from my upcoming posts! A can of worms can't open itself.

Between the Lines - Chang is not telling the truth
- Regarding Ralph Ahn - his level of understanding Korean an Korean American history is not based on extensive study, reading or working with large. I disagreed with Ralph Ahn most of my life. I wasn't going to physically expose his ignorance in front of the City of Riverside
- The Consul General of Korea should not be invovled
- Dosan Memorial Foundation of Korea was blocked from reviewing Application's facts and claims.
- The City of Riverisde pushed the Application through based on incorrect facts.
- How can something based on fake facts be a milestone?
- Saying I threatened to attend council meetings and saying I did not meet with City Historian, City Officials and the Mayor are untrue statements. Two of my meetings were arranged by City of Riverside Official Mike Gardner.

Chang cannot prove these accusations
- I have always claimed to be a Cuddy first and an Ahn second.
- I never claimed to be the official representative of the Ahn Family.
- When it comes to Dosan's history and Independence Movement history I am the absolutely most qualified of Dosan's family.
- I am much more qualified than Edward Chang, Carol Park, Jennifer Mermaloid, Dr. Vince Moses or any of the fact twisters in Riverside.
- I am not backhanded. Every criticism I made was up front, in the public record and what I firmly believed to be the truth.